Util API


Utility classes, functions, and macros.


Visibility attribute


Deprecated attribute


Printf-style argument attribute

  • x – Ordinality of the format string argument
  • y – Ordinality of the argument to check against the format string


struct wl_object

A protocol object.

A wl_object is an opaque struct identifying the protocol object underlying a wl_proxy or wl_resource.

Note:Functions accessing a wl_object are not normally used by client code.

Clients should normally use the higher level interface generated by the scanner to interact with compositor objects.

struct wl_message

Protocol message signature

A wl_message describes the signature of an actual protocol message, such as a request or event, that adheres to the Wayland protocol wire format. The protocol implementation uses a wl_message within its demarshal machinery for decoding messages between a compositor and its clients. In a sense, a wl_message is to a protocol message like a class is to an object.

The name of a wl_message is the name of the corresponding protocol message.

The signature is an ordered list of symbols representing the data types of message arguments and, optionally, a protocol version and indicators for nullability. A leading integer in the signature indicates the _since_ version of the protocol message. A ? preceding a data type symbol indicates that the following argument type is nullable. While it is a protocol violation to send messages with non-nullable arguments set to NULL, event handlers in clients might still get called with non-nullable object arguments set to NULL. This can happen when the client destroyed the object being used as argument on its side and an event referencing that object was sent before the server knew about its destruction. As this race cannot be prevented, clients should - as a general rule - program their event handlers such that they can handle object arguments declared non-nullable being NULL gracefully.

When no arguments accompany a message, signature is an empty string.


  • i: int
  • u: uint
  • f: fixed
  • s: string
  • o: object
  • n: new_id
  • a: array
  • h: fd
  • ?: following argument is nullable

While demarshaling primitive arguments is straightforward, when demarshaling messages containing object or new_id arguments, the protocol implementation often must determine the type of the object. The types of a wl_message is an array of wl_interface references that correspond to o and n arguments in signature, with NULL placeholders for arguments with non-object types.

Consider the protocol event wl_display delete_id that has a single uint argument. The wl_message is:

{ "delete_id", "u", [NULL] }

Here, the message name is “delete_id”, the signature is “u”, and the argument types is [NULL], indicating that the uint argument has no corresponding wl_interface since it is a primitive argument.

In contrast, consider a wl_foo interface supporting protocol request bar that has existed since version 2, and has two arguments: a uint and an object of type wl_baz_interface that may be NULL. Such a wl_message might be:

{ "bar", "2u?o", [NULL, &wl_baz_interface] }

Here, the message name is “bar”, and the signature is “2u?o”. Notice how the 2 indicates the protocol version, the u indicates the first argument type is uint, and the ?o indicates that the second argument is an object that may be NULL. Lastly, the argument types array indicates that no wl_interface corresponds to the first argument, while the type wl_baz_interface corresponds to the second argument.

Sa:<a href=”https://wayland.freedesktop.org/docs/html/ch04.html#sect-Protocol-Wire-Format”>Wire Format</a>
const char * name

Message name

const char * signature

Message signature

struct wl_interface

Object argument interfaces

struct wl_interface

Protocol object interface

A wl_interface describes the API of a protocol object defined in the Wayland protocol specification. The protocol implementation uses a wl_interface within its marshalling machinery for encoding client requests.

The name of a wl_interface is the name of the corresponding protocol interface, and version represents the version of the interface. The members method_count and event_count represent the number of methods (requests) and events in the respective wl_message members.

For example, consider a protocol interface foo, marked as version 1, with two requests and one event.

<interface name="foo" version="1">
<request name=”a”></request> <request name=”b”></request> <event name=”c”></event>


Given two wl_message arrays foo_requests and foo_events, a wl_interface for foo might be:

struct wl_interface foo_interface = {
“foo”, 1, 2, foo_requests, 1, foo_events


Note:The server side of the protocol may define interface <em>implementation types</em> that incorporate the term interface in their name. Take care to not confuse these server-side struct`s with a wl_interface variable whose name also ends in `interface. For example, while the server may define a type struct wl_foo_interface, the client may define a struct wl_interface wl_foo_interface.
Sa:<a href=”https://wayland.freedesktop.org/docs/html/ch04.html#sect-Protocol-Interfaces”>Interfaces</a>
Sa:<a href=”https://wayland.freedesktop.org/docs/html/ch04.html#sect-Protocol-Versioning”>Versioning</a>
const char * name

Interface name

int version

Interface version

int method_count

Number of methods (requests)

const struct wl_message * methods

Method (request) signatures

int event_count

Number of events

const struct wl_message * events

Event signatures

struct wl_list

Doubly-linked list

On its own, an instance of struct wl_list represents the sentinel head of a doubly-linked list, and must be initialized using wl_list_init(). When empty, the list head’s next and prev members point to the list head itself, otherwise next references the first element in the list, and prev refers to the last element in the list.

Use the struct wl_list type to represent both the list head and the links between elements within the list. Use wl_list_empty() to determine if the list is empty in O(1).

All elements in the list must be of the same type. The element type must have a struct wl_list member, often named link by convention. Prior to insertion, there is no need to initialize an element’s link - invoking wl_list_init() on an individual list element’s struct wl_list member is unnecessary if the very next operation is wl_list_insert(). However, a common idiom is to initialize an element’s link prior to removal - ensure safety by invoking wl_list_init() before wl_list_remove().

Consider a list reference struct wl_list foo_list, an element type as struct element, and an element’s link member as struct wl_list link.

The following code initializes a list and adds three elements to it.

struct wl_list foo_list;

struct element {
int foo; struct wl_list link;

}; struct element e1, e2, e3;

wl_list_init(&foo_list); wl_list_insert(&foo_list, &e1.link); // e1 is the first element wl_list_insert(&foo_list, &e2.link); // e2 is now the first element wl_list_insert(&e2.link, &e3.link); // insert e3 after e2

The list now looks like <em>[e2, e3, e1]</em>.

The wl_list API provides some iterator macros. For example, to iterate a list in ascending order:

struct element *e; wl_list_for_each(e, foo_list, link) {



See the documentation of each iterator for details.

struct wl_list * prev

Previous list element

struct wl_list * next

Next list element

void wl_list_init(struct wl_list * list)

Initializes the list.

  • list – List to initialize


void wl_list_insert(struct wl_list * list, struct wl_list * elm)

Inserts an element into the list, after the element represented by @p list. When @p list is a reference to the list itself (the head), set the containing struct of @p elm as the first element in the list.


If p elm is already part of a list, inserting it again will lead to list corruption.

  • list – List element after which the new element is inserted
  • elm – Link of the containing struct to insert into the list


void wl_list_remove(struct wl_list * elm)

Removes an element from the list.


This operation leaves p elm in an invalid state.

  • elm – Link of the containing struct to remove from the list


int wl_list_length(const struct wl_list * list)

Determines the length of the list.


This is an O(n) operation.

  • list – List whose length is to be determined

Number of elements in the list



int wl_list_empty(const struct wl_list * list)

Determines if the list is empty.

  • list – List whose emptiness is to be determined

1 if empty, or 0 if not empty



void wl_list_insert_list(struct wl_list * list, struct wl_list * other)

Inserts all of the elements of one list into another, after the element represented by @p list.


This leaves p other in an invalid state.

  • list – List element after which the other list elements will be inserted
  • other – List of elements to insert


wl_container_of(ptr, sample, member)

Retrieves a pointer to a containing struct, given a member name.

This macro allows “conversion” from a pointer to a member to its containing struct. This is useful if you have a contained item like a wl_list, wl_listener, or wl_signal, provided via a callback or other means, and would like to retrieve the struct that contains it.

To demonstrate, the following example retrieves a pointer to example_container given only its destroy_listener member:

struct example_container {
struct wl_listener destroy_listener; // other members…


void example_container_destroy(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data) {

struct example_container *ctr;

ctr = wl_container_of(listener, ctr, destroy_listener); // destroy ctr…



sample need not be a valid pointer. A null or uninitialised pointer is sufficient.

  • ptr – Valid pointer to the contained member
  • sample – Pointer to a struct whose type contains p ptr
  • member – Named location of p ptr within the p sample type

The container for the specified pointer

wl_list_for_each(pos, head, member)

Iterates over a list.

This macro expresses a for-each iterator for wl_list. Given a list and wl_list link member name (often named link by convention), this macro assigns each element in the list to @p pos, which can then be referenced in a trailing code block. For example, given a wl_list of struct message elements:

struct message {
char *contents; wl_list link;


struct wl_list *message_list; // Assume message_list now “contains” many messages

struct message *m; wl_list_for_each(m, message_list, link) {



  • pos – Cursor that each list element will be assigned to
  • head – Head of the list to iterate over
  • member – Name of the link member within the element struct


wl_list_for_each_safe(pos, tmp, head, member)

Iterates over a list, safe against removal of the list element.


Only removal of the current element, p pos, is safe. Removing any other element during traversal may lead to a loop malfunction.



  • pos – Cursor that each list element will be assigned to
  • tmp – Temporary pointer of the same type as p pos
  • head – Head of the list to iterate over
  • member – Name of the link member within the element struct


wl_list_for_each_reverse(pos, head, member)

Iterates backwards over a list.



  • pos – Cursor that each list element will be assigned to
  • head – Head of the list to iterate over
  • member – Name of the link member within the element struct


wl_list_for_each_reverse_safe(pos, tmp, head, member)

Iterates backwards over a list, safe against removal of the list element.


Only removal of the current element, p pos, is safe. Removing any other element during traversal may lead to a loop malfunction.



  • pos – Cursor that each list element will be assigned to
  • tmp – Temporary pointer of the same type as p pos
  • head – Head of the list to iterate over
  • member – Name of the link member within the element struct


struct wl_array

Dynamic array

A wl_array is a dynamic array that can only grow until released. It is intended for relatively small allocations whose size is variable or not known in advance. While construction of a wl_array does not require all elements to be of the same size, wl_array_for_each() does require all elements to have the same type and size.

size_t size

Array size

size_t alloc

Allocated space

void * data

Array data

void wl_array_init(struct wl_array * array)

Initializes the array.

  • array – Array to initialize


void wl_array_release(struct wl_array * array)

Releases the array data.


Leaves the array in an invalid state.

  • array – Array whose data is to be released


void * wl_array_add(struct wl_array * array, size_t size)

Increases the size of the array by @p size bytes.

  • array – Array whose size is to be increased
  • size – Number of bytes to increase the size of the array by

A pointer to the beginning of the newly appended space, or NULL when resizing fails.



int wl_array_copy(struct wl_array * array, struct wl_array * source)

Copies the contents of @p source to p array.

  • array – Destination array to copy to
  • source – Source array to copy from

0 on success, or -1 on failure



wl_array_for_each(pos, array)

Iterates over an array.

This macro expresses a for-each iterator for wl_array. It assigns each element in the array to @p pos, which can then be referenced in a trailing code block. @p pos must be a pointer to the array element type, and all array elements must be of the same type and size.

  • pos – Cursor that each array element will be assigned to
  • array – Array to iterate over





Fixed-point number

A wl_fixed_t is a 24.8 signed fixed-point number with a sign bit, 23 bits of integer precision and 8 bits of decimal precision. Consider wl_fixed_t as an opaque struct with methods that facilitate conversion to and from double and int types.

double wl_fixed_to_double(wl_fixed_t f)

Converts a fixed-point number to a floating-point number.

  • f – Fixed-point number to convert

Floating-point representation of the fixed-point argument

wl_fixed_t wl_fixed_from_double(double d)

Converts a floating-point number to a fixed-point number.

  • d – Floating-point number to convert

Fixed-point representation of the floating-point argument

int wl_fixed_to_int(wl_fixed_t f)

Converts a fixed-point number to an integer.

  • f – Fixed-point number to convert

Integer component of the fixed-point argument

wl_fixed_t wl_fixed_from_int(int i)

Converts an integer to a fixed-point number.

  • i – Integer to convert

Fixed-point representation of the integer argument

union wl_argument

Protocol message argument data types

This union represents all of the argument types in the Wayland protocol wire format. The protocol implementation uses wl_argument within its marshalling machinery for dispatching messages between a client and a compositor.

Sa:<a href=”https://wayland.freedesktop.org/docs/html/ch04.html#sect-Protocol-wire-Format”>Wire Format</a>
uint32_t u

< int

wl_fixed_t f

< uint

const char * s

< fixed

struct wl_object * o

< string

uint32_t n

< object

struct wl_array * a

< new_id

int32_t h

< array

< fd


Dispatcher function type alias

A dispatcher is a function that handles the emitting of callbacks in client code. For programs directly using the C library, this is done by using libffi to call function pointers. When binding to languages other than C, dispatchers provide a way to abstract the function calling process to be friendlier to other function calling systems.

A dispatcher takes five arguments: The first is the dispatcher-specific implementation associated with the target object. The second is the object upon which the callback is being invoked (either wl_proxy or wl_resource). The third and fourth arguments are the opcode and the wl_message corresponding to the callback. The final argument is an array of arguments received from the other process via the wire protocol.


“const void *” Dispatcher-specific implementation data


“void *” Callback invocation target (wl_proxy or wl_resource)

  • uint32_t – Callback opcode

“const struct wl_message *” Callback message signature


“union wl_argument *” Array of received arguments


0 on success, or -1 on failure


Log function type alias

The C implementation of the Wayland protocol abstracts the details of logging. Users may customize the logging behavior, with a function conforming to the wl_log_func_t type, via wl_log_set_handler_client and wl_log_set_handler_server.

A wl_log_func_t must conform to the expectations of vprintf, and expects two arguments: a string to write and a corresponding variable argument list. While the string to write may contain format specifiers and use values in the variable argument list, the behavior of any wl_log_func_t depends on the implementation.

Note:Take care to not confuse this with wl_protocol_logger_func_t, which is a specific server-side logger for requests and events.
Param:“const char *” String to write to the log, containing optional format specifiers
Param:“va_list” Variable argument list
enum wl_iterator_result

Return value of an iterator function


Stop the iteration


Continue the iteration